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Bezpieczeństwo przeciwpożarowe na nowo: zarządzanie RFID w sprzęcie strażackim!
Zarządzanie sprzętem przeciwpożarowym RFID
RFID Fire Equipment Management
At present, the management of fire extinguishers are still manually checking, manual records, inspection records are filed in paper form, the inspection process found in the accident, such as fire extinguishers have been turned on, the weight is not enough, insufficient air pressure and other phenomena, are filled out a separate form to record, and after the record it is easy to confuse the extinguishers because the appearance of the extinguishers have a certain degree of similarity, it is not easy to identify. Encountered an emergency, or the need to view the specific information of a fire extinguisher, often can not get the relevant information of the fire extinguisher in a timely manner, to pursue the responsibility, there are often responsible for the phenomenon of unclear, etc., the loss of a fire extinguisher information will affect many of the management of fire extinguishers, and whenever it comes to the replacement of fire extinguishers, it is more of a problem. If the production date of fire extinguishers accumulated over time, ambiguous, it is difficult to have grasped whether the need to send repair or expiration date, fire management department inspections, even if you can barely see, but also to calculate the date of inspection supervision is inefficient.
Based on the RFID technology fire equipment management system through the fire equipment on the installation of RFID tags, in the background binding the corresponding assets information, in the key nodes and processes, through the collection of RFID tags information, to accurately obtain to the assets of the detailed information.
Demand for the use of electronic tags in the fire industry
Management status quo
The fire extinguisher from the factory, the daily check to the maintenance and the scrapping, the management mainly concentrates in the maintenance and the check two aspects, but these two aspects must be for each different fire extinguisher.
(1) Maintenance
Maintenance is mainly to check the storage environment of the fire extinguisher, such as should be avoided upside down, rain, exposure, strong radiation and contact with corrosive substances, fire extinguishers placed, should be kept dry and ventilated to prevent corrosion of the cylinder by moisture. Under normal climatic conditions, can maintain a good environment for fire extinguishers stored.
(2) inspection
Inspection is the most important work. Security Office of the fire extinguishers at least once a quarter to check the situation, the inspection includes: the responsible person to maintain the implementation of the duty, the fire extinguisher pressure value is in the normal pressure range, whether the safety pin and seal is intact, placed firmly, no buried pressure, fire extinguishers in the validity of the period, etc., to check the effective state of the fire extinguishers to be made into the "fire extinguisher inspection records ", archived for verification.
RFID fire equipment management
The core of the electronic tag is the RFID chip, each chip has its own "ID card": a globally unique digital code, and this digital code in the factory production has been solidified in the chip, can not be changed, based on this feature, each fire extinguisher can be labeled through the electronic tag or labeling the unique identification, binding the production date, manufacturer, send for repair, whether it should be sent for repair or scrapping information, etc., at a glance, in line with the Internet of Things. At a glance, in line with the background of the development of the Internet of things. Through the electronic label on the fire extinguisher to realize the computerized management, overcome the fire extinguisher quantity is numerous, need to be cumbersome backward manual maintenance, check the record work, the fire management department can through the system can real-time supervision and inspection should be sent to the repair, expiration date, scrapping of fire extinguishers, standardize the market management.
Fire protection enterprises to fire extinguishers and other fire equipment sealing the main purpose is to regulate the fire extinguisher market management, to prevent the sale of illegal, expired or unqualified fire extinguishers on the fire extinguisher, especially with a large number of fire extinguishers, schools, factories, etc. to achieve computerized management, and at the same time to facilitate the local fire department, fire safety throughout the city, as well as fire extinguishers, the inspection and supervision.
Funkcja RFID i praktyczność coraz większej liczby branż zaczęła zwracać uwagę, bezdotykowa identyfikacja RFID, szybki odczyt, rozpoznawanie wielu informacji, rozpoznawanie odległości i inne cechy zastosowania RFID szybko rozszerzyły się na różne obszary zarządzania środków trwałych, RFID odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę. Wraz z szybką budową miasta, pełne wykorzystanie zasobów, bezpieczeństwo i ochrona stały się główną konstrukcją podstawową. Zwiększa się również ochrona przeciwpożarowa, a zarządzanie urządzeniami przeciwpożarowymi będzie główną linią obrony dla osób chroniących życie. Wprowadzenie inteligentnego miasta, ogień wkroczy także do inteligentnego budownictwa. W związku z tym nowym priorytetem jest także inteligentne gaszenie pożarów. Inteligentna ochrona przeciwpożarowa to Internet rzeczy, wirtualizacja, usługi geoprzestrzenne i inne zaawansowane technologie umożliwiające dynamiczne gromadzenie profesjonalnych danych przeciwpożarowych, monitorowanie w czasie rzeczywistym i planowanie działań służb strażackich i ratowniczych, takich jak sprzęt gaśniczy, sprzęt ratunkowy, real- inspekcja w czasie kluczowych jednostek obiektów przeciwpożarowych oraz dostęp w czasie rzeczywistym do zdjęć kluczowych lokalizacji oraz planów przeciwpożarowych i ratowniczych.
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